successful manager and crisis management

The chamber training committee headed by Dr. Mohamed Mehrem implement successfully the second course in the (Integrated Program for middle management) entitled (successful manager and decision-making) in collaboration with the Profile for consulting and management training Co. at the Alexandria Chamber of Shipping during the period from 12th May 2013 until May 15th, 2013 delivered by Dr. Tarek Elyas , an expert in administrative communication skills and human development. The course was attended by 21 trainees from the following companies:
(Ship& Crew – Etamco – Hamburg Sud Egypt – Madleavant for Shipping – Marine for shipping Co.)
During the course, Dr. Elyas discussed the process of solving problems with different situations, the Twenty commandments to become creative in problem solving, problem analysis and solutions planning, making decisions, decision-making processes assess, 10 administrative situations in decision-making, the role of the administrative information systems in decision-making, how to develop your creative abilities, how to be creative and the constraints and obstacles facing innovation). The course also includes some discussions and practical situations (realistic case studies) by dividing the trainees into working groups. At the end of the course Dr. Tarek Elyas and Mr. Atef Negm, the Manager of Profile thanked the attendees, the chamber chairman, board members, the head of the committee as well as the administrative staff. Profile Co. gave the chamber a shield with their logo. Then they distributed the certificates among the trainees and promised to announce the dates of the upcoming course in turn.